Tuesday, September 20, 2016

day 20

since i haven't blogged in a while i had almost forgotten what i'd done the last few days.  i usually photograph my progress right after completing my task and immediately email the photos to myself with the days' number so i know which day had which details, but i had no emails with the missing days.  i looked back in my camera to see if i could recognize any photos, and i did!  yay me!

day 16 i did a quick couple of things, one of which was put some metallic copper paint thru a stencil and, while i wasn't thrilled with the effect i left it, knowing it's only a layer.  i didn't get a photo of the detail that day.

day 17 i just did some drips of a bold blue

that seemed to help take my mind off the copper i wasn't thrilled about.

sunday, day 18 and monday, day 19 were pretty bad on my pain and exhaustion scale so i took a break from all activity, but today i am back to it!

i started blocking in my focal lily down in the right bottom corner and i etched an intention into white gesso;

the intention area is very stark white and will be toned down at a later date, i just wanted to use the thickness of the gesso to etch into.  i suppose i could have tinted it with another color, but i think i'll like adding a color on top better than how it would have been had i mixed it.

i didn't like the above photo, so i wiped away what i could of the offending petal and created a dark blue 'lake' area around the whole lily and lower part of the painting.

much better

hopefully i'm feeling better tomorrow... i'm ready to get things going!

until later,

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