Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sower of Seeds is in the house!

 my sweet man battled to scan this painting for me this morning and put it up in my society6 shop.  the other shop will have to wait, but we wanted to get her into the public asap!

here's her print

the text hidden in the layers of paint reads;

I plant seeds 
of love and service
to the earth.
I share with others 
my bounty,
and this bounty 
ripples outward
help nourish
countless others

here she is on a rug

the mug is beautiful

you can spread the beauty around your home with coasters

or share a card with your friends

you can let her guard your thoughts in a notebook

these are a handful of the 51 products available with this artwork.  I have close to 200 paintings uploaded there, so take your time and enjoy browsing the shop.  you deserve the rest!

until later

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

"a sower of seeds" canvas finished

 my canvas from yesterday needed some tending this morning through journalling and mark making, so out the supplies came again.

here she is in all her glory

the journalling beneath the 'seedlings' I added says;

I plant seeds 
of love and service
to the earth.
I share with others 
my bounty,
and this bounty 
ripples outward
help nourish
countless others

and some close-ups

she has a seedling on her third eye

in the horizon, on the mountain, you can see the stairway is leading us from the seedling in her hand to love.

this is an important painting, and I'm glad it chose to come through my hand.  I enjoyed the process of pouring love onto the canvas, and I hope it gives you as great a feeling as it does me.  

until later, 


Monday, January 18, 2021

a happy beginning


after a very lengthy absence from most activity of painterly creations, today the muse told me she was about to give me the heave-ho if I didn't create something, anything.  since my brain has been mooning about springtime and getting back to the garden, I felt I had a perfect subject matter, and found some reference photos to help me on my way to this new painting.

I set up my little painting area in the main house again, due to the studio being a disaster as well as too chilly for my delicate nature, and set to work.

she is still a work in progress, but I felt the need to share my joy of creating a new piece again.

this piece shows my gratitude and amazement of the ability of each little seed to grow such abundance.  it represents growth and learning, sowing seeds of all kinds, and flourishing where you are planted.  

more to come on this one!

update; I believe she has said all she wishes to.

"she is a sower of seeds"

until later,