Wednesday, February 22, 2017

painted pony

yesterday i started a painting of a colorful pony, inspired by the art and this weeks "let's face it" class taught by jennifer bonneteau.  her style is one i admire and speaks to me as close to my own.

this pony has many layers of color and refinement of areas.  i started with a sketch i had in my sketchbook, and went with the flow.  this sketch had no real value contrast to it, so i had to wing it until i came close to the ending layers, when i went to find some photos on the internet just to see basic anatomy where the horse would have shadows and light.

heres work from yesterday;

he came upstairs with me and i sat with him, stewing over the parts of him i wasn't pleased with.  the pushes and pulls of this type of artwork is what makes it fun, but also frustrating at times.

today i fixed those problem areas, and he sits with me again, waiting to see if he is complete or if i will decide to push him further.

fixed his mane, added glazing for more shadowed areas

adding, taking away...
fixed his eye, fixed a neck area i wasn't happy with
more color shaping for his nose

i'm enjoying working with this lil guy, and am happy he came into my life!

until later,

Thursday, February 16, 2017

progress, setback, progress

life is a dance, and i'm doing the cha-cha.

i did a few more layers on my dream board before succumbing to a cold virus that hubby shared with me.  he works in the computer field, and goes to schools.  lots of schools.  he then brings back "gifts".  lots of gifts.

we also had a big storm and fared pretty well with about 17 inches of snow dumped in our yard.  no power outage;  we just hunkered down and shoveled out.

i started working on my dream board life book lesson again this morning, feeling more like myself and less like death.  here is where i left you.

an image transfer of my face, 
some collage including some text from my daddy poetry book, 
and pretty, drippy colors

there were more layers since that photo was taken, and then todays progress got us to this point;

some close-ups of this work in progress;

i wanted the 10 of cups to represent abundance coming my way
a bubble of protection blankets me
the intention is to negate any anxiety that appears 

will be fixing problem areas in my next layers, 
but happy so far

cuckoo bird on my shoulder (lots of symbolism i need)
desert mountains
and a tent representing travel

my tribe behind me all the way
seeds i have planted reaching fruition
and a promise

keeping hydrated and warm in my funky owl hat

until later,

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

plugging away

i've pretty much fallen off of facebook, which isn't a bad thing for my mental health these days, but i'm still plugging away at this thing called life.  some days i have better luck than others with the getting off of the couch routine, but lately i've done some colorful work.

the state of my studio these days;

a complete wreck
but being used!

and what i've been working on the last few days;

a personal project is this mini journal, 
(follow effy wilds minimoleydaily on youtube) 
each quick page with a quote to inspire me.
page in progress

class with wendy brightbill

and current weeks class is a 'dream board' with tam laporte.  a couple progress shots;

my first ever image transfer went well.
painting and adjusting my features

after layers of 'stuff', including some text
from my daddys' poetry book.
sacred stuff, indeed.

i have big ideas for this dream board, have imagery and phrases i want to include further down the line.  this is where the magic happens, and we can't rush the magic.

in other news, little lucy chihuahua pup is doing a good job with making sure i know i'm loved.  i can tell she is adjusting to being an only pup after pitas death 4 weeks ago.  she was always a lap dog, staying warm top priority of hers, but now she is starting to come see where i am if i have wandered from her side.  pita was always the shadow, and he did a fabulous job of it, but i'm pretty sure she will be taking up that role very soon.  we bought her a new bed to go by the heater down in the studio, and while she doesn't love being down there, she is content to lay in it as long as she is with me.  i'm so happy she is in my life, for i would be lost right now if it wasn't for her warm body, her soft little head, and her silly antics.

until later,