seeing the grandtwins helped the mood!
I continue to be pretty exhausted and am looking forward to a lyme appointment in a couple of weeks. hoping to get me back on track with my treatments and my emotional stability. the feeling of going stagnant and even going backwards is very much present with me, and it's hard to get myself off the couch to do anything. my sweetie only wants me to be happy (and healthy), and is excited if the only thing constructive I do is art related.
I was thrilled when sweetie gifted me with two classes this year! I started the year off thinking I wouldn't be able to do the "lets face it" year long course this year. this course has been a main part of my looking forward to a new week in the past years, and I knew this year would be even harder to look forward to without the weekly classes lovingly brought together by kara bullock < her facebook page. not only was I signed up for "lets face it 2020" (which has 50 weeks of lessons from 26 artists!), but I was signed up for "fluid figures" (10 classes with 14 hours of invaluable instruction!) with Emma Petitt, a wonderful artist whose flowing style I highly admire. both these courses have lifetime access with tons of downloadable content and facebook groups for guidance with the artists.
I started doing the first of Emmas 10 classes over the weekend and then crashed. the first class was sketching in a short time frame of 30 seconds up to 2 minutes, gesso-ing after each loose sketch. I finished the class up today with a 2 minute painting
I've also decided to fill a small sketchbook with hands, starting with the ASL alphabet.
I even got my stumpy little thumb, hehehe
we're 3 classes in since the beginning of lets face it, and I've only been able to do an attempt at week 2 with Angela Kennedy;
I had to stop before getting to the rest of the details
I was excited to learn to get more detail into the eyes during sketches
I'm very excited to work on the fluid figures class, as I dont think I have it in me to keep painting as tightly as I was with so much detail. I dont need to get into realism to bring my voice into the world.
slow and steady I guess. thats about as fast as I go these days!
until later,