Thursday, March 15, 2018

up to 11 elephant paintings

good morning, all.  hope today has some joy and peaceful moments for you.

yesterday I stalled at the end of my painting, saving the details for a time when exhaustion wasn't looming.  it's hard enough with teeny-tiny brushes trying to make teeny-tiny details, but when your eyes start closing and your motor skills begin to make you feel like one of the three stooges it's pretty close to impossible.

these are the paintings I've done, all together in a nice little painting herd;

left to right, top;
Playing in the Reeds, Out of the Mist, Peek-A-Blue
middle row;
Funny Ears, Sarah Remembers, Colorful Bull
bottom row;
Fuzzy Baby, Sunshine, and Ellie in Blues

yesterday I worked on Nebula and finished him today;

and when I finished up yesterday I dipped a new canvas into the pallet of paint left over and saw an elephant drinking;

do you see it?

today I worked to make him more real but also to respect where he came from.  I didn't want this one to look much different than when it started, so I was careful to do small adjustments and light layers to breathe him to life;

At the Watering Hole

I'm thinking about adding some interference green-blue to add some shine to the water but i'm not sure it would make too much of a difference after I varnish it.  I'm assuming the sparkle of pearlescence will still shimmer thru the varnish, even though the whole painting will shine.   it won't hurt, anyway.  when in doubt, try it!

you can find all my elephants in my shop by clicking on the collections button, or if you want to wait til the herd is complete and buy an original 3"x3" mini elephant painting from me, they will be $15 each (including the easel) plus shipping and tax if in Massachusetts.

until later,

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