besides working on getting the blog to be a better representation of who I am and what I'm doing with my art once it's painted, I actually have been painting, and planning on painting, and uploading classes to hopefully attempt to paint.
i mentioned earlier that I have joined Let's Face It 2018 with artist kara bullock and we are in our 13th week now. I've only actually completed one class (as in painted the work on canvas. I have been taking notes and trying to at least sketch out the class work). week 11, though, really got me humming and I found a photo of my grandmother and my dad as a young child to use as a reference photo for this class.
I'm not expecting to get the likenesses. even if it would be great to do so, I'm not going to be upset if it doesn't get there this time. I love the pose they have, I know who it's supposed to be, and it will give me memories of who they were to me. I'm excited to get to the painting of this one!
I've also created one new larger mini painting (4"x4"). I've decided to continue with the minis in a larger size and maybe 1 or 2 a week so I can work on my classes and other projects. I'm continuing with the animal theme with reference photos of animals that resonate with me for some reason for right now. I like the idea of just having a bunch of spirit animal paintings at the ready. if they don't sell here online, then I can set up at a vendor fair in a nearby town in the fall.
"Teachings of the Emu"
and I have a bigger and a smaller mini that I'll be painting honey bees on;
interesting symbolism in the animals I'm currently drawn to paint. the emu and the bee. both have the same message for me; work hard to get to your goals.
sweetie has also been busy setting up a redbubble shop for my art and slowly getting the paintings uploaded. so, I now have two shops that you can peruse at your leisure, each with their own special merchandise. both shops are listed in my sidebar along with my business email address you can use for ordering original artwork. there is a button at the top of my blog page for my artwork for sale if you want to check that out, along with a new 'about me' page.
yes, we have been busy with this art stuff! I still get all goose-bumpy when I remember that I'm a small business owner.
until later,
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