we've had a few days of indian summer and a few biting chills that foretell the coming bitter months. but it is here, and with it comes a slowing of my creative blood.
i ask to play with my muse daily, i wish to dabble and throw glitter in the air so to speak. and i'm so close to finishing my latest painting i can taste it. but my muse apparently has attention deficit disorder and doesn't want to linger in the details of finish work. she wants to splash and drip again. we have too many unfinished paintings to complete, can't we just finish this one? just the one, and then we can go play with a new canvas as a reward...
so, today i begged again, and she said if i make it another challenge to the end of the month she may play a bit more with this canvas. i won't bore you daily with this small challenge, because the tiny differences won't be apparent to anyone but myself.
except today. i'm gonna bore you with the minute details today.
here she was last time i blogged about her;
i think i'm finally happy with the depth of her hair color. several layers of several colors and a glaze over it all.
the main focal point
a few days ago i added an iridescent pearl over each petal to see if i liked the sparkle. i did, but it wasn't what i had expected of the color, so i added a glaze of the quinacridone magenta i used to begin with, and that did the trick. this lily is a beautiful rich sparkling color that i am thrilled with!
i know that getting to the finish line with this painting is going to take some work. i'm not only battling my own 'junk' getting to the studio, i have my almost 16 year old pup, pita, who must be by my side but hates being in the studio for some reason. when i bring him down, he runs around, trying to get my attention, tap dancing like he has to go outside. we have done this routine so many times. he goes crazy, i bring him upstairs in order to go thru the house to the dog area outside, only to have him run to the living room instead. as soon as i let my guard down and ignore his tap dancing, he will go pee on my studio floor. i am always on edge with him, and he refuses to settle down. if i leave him in the living area of the house he will run around barking and i worry about his heart issues. it's just a frustrating situation right now with him in his old age.
i have been very busy while the pups and i form a cuddle-puddle on the couch. it's getting close to the end of the year for my yearlong Life Book workshop, and i need to make sure all video content and pdf's are downloaded before the beginning of next years workshop!
i have a couple of other art workshops i'm taking, and each class has it's own download page to make sure i'm up to date. it's good to be organized, and it's something i can do while pita stays happily by my side on the couch.
until later,
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